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+331 84 17 78 95



Êtes-vous à la recherche d’un poste ?

Par son expertise du secteur de la santé et son infrastructure technologique, Saine Santé est en mesure de vous trouver rapidement et gratuitement les offres qui correspondent au mieux à vos attentes. Détendez-vous pendant que nous nous occupons de tout !

Pourquoi choisir Saine Santé pour votre recherche d’emploi ?

Accompagnement personnalisé tout au long du processus de recrutement
Des conseillers compétents et disponibles vous présentent des opportunités gratuitement
Mise en relation entre vous et les structures de santé
Coaching pour réussir vos entretiens d’embauche
Négociation salariale
De nombreux avantages offerts par nos partenaires

Quelle est notre valeur ajoutée ?

Les candidats sont au centre de nos priorités
Nous avons développé un large réseau d’établissements partenaires
Nous avons connaissance des offres d’emploi avant même qu’elles soient publiées
How Can We Help You?

Commited To Your Children’s Health

Our Office provides the services of the pediatrician and consultants, covering all fields of Pediatrics, ultrasound examination and laboratory analyses. Consulting team members include physicians with extensive professional experience.

Book Withing Minutes

Consult Our Pediatricians

Select the doctor you prefer to get a checkup and book a visit with them in a matter of minutes. Simply select from the list below.

Select Your Doctor

Medical Excellence Every DayWe're At Your Service

  • General Pediatrics
  • Ear, Nose, Throat
  • Orthopedics
  • Ear, Nose, Throat
  • Baby Services
Office Visits (New Patient)130$
Office Visits (Established Patient)80$
Systematic Physical Examination115$
Object removal from the nose132$
Ultrasound sinuses examination120$
Vestibular examination185$
ENT examination with audiometry130$
Exercise for babies, 12 treatments200$
Physical therapy with kinesitherapy140$
Allergology with testing200$
Allergology testing - inhalation150$
Allergology testing - epicutaneous150$
Allergology examination215$
Vestibular examination185$
Systematic Physical Examination115$
Office Visits (New Patient)130$
Object removal from the nose132$
Ultrasound sinuses examination120$
ENT examination with audiometry130$
Office Visits (Established Patient)80$
Allergology with testing200$
Exercise for babies, 12 treatments200$
Allergology testing - inhalation150$
Physical therapy with kinesitherapy140$
Allergology testing - epicutaneous150$
Allergology examination215$
Vestibular examination185$
ENT examination with audiometry130$
Systematic Physical Examination115$
Object removal from the nose132$
Ultrasound sinuses examination120$
Office Visits (Established Patient)80$
Office Visits (New Patient)130$
Allergology with testing200$
Exercise for babies, 12 treatments200$
Allergology testing - inhalation150$
Physical therapy with kinesitherapy140$
Allergology testing - epicutaneous150$
Allergology examination215$
Vestibular examination185$
ENT examination with audiometry130$
Systematic Physical Examination115$
Object removal from the nose132$
Ultrasound sinuses examination120$
Office Visits (Established Patient)80$
Office Visits (New Patient)130$
Allergology with testing200$
Exercise for babies, 12 treatments200$
Allergology testing - inhalation150$
Physical therapy with kinesitherapy140$
Allergology testing - epicutaneous150$
Allergology examination215$
Object removal from the nose132$
Vestibular examination185$
ENT examination with audiometry130$
Ultrasound sinuses examination120$
Office Visits (Established Patient)80$
Office Visits (New Patient)130$
Systematic Physical Examination115$
Exercise for babies, 12 treatments200$
Allergology with testing200$
Allergology testing - inhalation150$
Physical therapy with kinesitherapy140$
Allergology testing - epicutaneous150$
Allergology examination215$